Angela Ferritto


Speaking on economic justice

As the first female president of Pennsylvania’s AFL-CIO, Angela Ferritto embodies courage, strength, and leadership. A passion for the labor movement and a desire to share that passion with others has guided her career, earning her numerous accolades along the way. In 2022, Angela was named the #1 most powerful labor leader in Pennsylvania. She was unanimously elected to a second term as the PA AFL-CIO president at the 2024 46th Constitutional Convention in May 2024.

A trailblazer in her field, Angela is committed to educating other women about service and leadership. She was an instructor at the Northeast Regional Union Women’s Summer School for 11 years where she facilitated workshops about internal and external organizing, bridging the generational gap, and leadership skills. 

Angela’s work to educate women and young people about the labor movement has earned her national recognition. In 2023, she was recognized for leading the 700,000 member AFL-CIO in its fight for job security and fair pay by Power of Diversity: Women 100. She also received the Clara Day award at the National Coalition of Labor Union Women (CLUW) convention. The award recognizes state presidents who embody Day’s mission in paving the way for young women in the labor movement.

As part of her decades-long career in the labor movement, Angela served as chapter and statewide president of CLUW where she worked with all chapters to help advance the organization’s mission and increase membership participation. In 2018, Angela was selected to be part of the Women’s Global Leadership Program, a program run in conjunction with the UN Commission on the Status of Women designed to enhance understanding of the global economy and strengthen organizing and advocacy skills around pro-women policies.

Angela is the face of labor in Pennsylvania and has advanced the labor movement by successfully organizing hundreds of public and private sector workers. She is a member of AFSCME, where she served as president of her local union before joining Council 13 staff in 2010. As a trusted part of the AFSCME team, Angela was an organizer and staff representative in the grievance and arbitration department and then in the education and resources department. 

She also serves as president of Union Energy, a collaboration between the PA AFL-CIO and the PA Building Trades, teaming with the Climate Jobs National Resource Center and Cornell University. Union Energy is dedicated to creating a sustainable and innovative energy economy – today – that allows all Pennsylvania families to have an opportunity to work in union jobs with union benefits.

Angela’s leadership and commitment to service have earned her positions on numerous state and local boards. She served on the transition leadership board for Governor Josh Shapiro and was appointed by Governor Tom Wolf to serve on the Unemployment Compensation Advisory Board. In addition, she is a member of the Pennsylvania Workforce Development Board, the Penn State Labor School Advisory Board, and the Board of Directors of the Appalachian Council.