Emily Mosco Merski, Esq.


Speaking on women caught up in the judicial system

Attorney Emily Mosco Merski is a part-time Assistant Public Defender in the Appellate Division of the Erie County Public Defender’s Office, a part-time Assistant Public Defender in the Trial Division of the Crawford County Public Defender’s Office, an attorney for SafeNet Erie and maintains a private practice at the Vendetti & Vendetti Law Firm.  Attorney Merski is also a member of the Public Defender’s Association of Pennsylvania faculty with expertise in appellate law. 

Growing up in a family of strong women whose devotion to their family, to service and to their work was paramount, Attorney Merski counts her mother, grandmother and aunt as those most influential and inspirational in her life.  In her career, Attorney Merski draws inspiration from the late Justice Ruth Bader Ginsberg whose transformative advocacy helped to pave the way for future generations of courtroom advocates.        

Born and raised in Erie, Pennsylvania, Attorney Merski graduated from Mercyhurst University in 2004 with a B.A. in English and in 2006 with a M.S. in Applied Intelligence and then earned her J.D. from Penn State Dickinson School of Law in 2010. Attorney Merski devotes much of her time to service to the Erie Community and serves on the boards for Mercy Center for Women, Erie Homes for Children and Adults, Mercy Center of the Arts, Mercyhurst Institute for Arts and Culture (MIAC) and the Mercyhurst University Alumni Board of Directors where she most recently served as President.   Attorney Merski is married to Pennsylvania State-Representative Bob Merski and together they have two children, Robert (9) and Marielle (3).

Emily Mosco Merski, Esq.